Bunnies and Twisters
My how time flies! I hadn't even realized how long it has been since my last post until I pulled it up this morning. Bad blogger!! I'll try to fill in the gaps here and promise to do better!
First I want to say that my heart goes out to all the people whose lives have been devastated by the recent outbreak of twisters! My husband and I have been glued to the Weather Channel all week just watching and praying for all those in the areas affected by the storm systems.

We got a new bunny. His name is Malachi and he is a baby English Angora. He is 3 months old and is the cutest! He is adjusting very well and getting completely spoiled. My husband is especially thrilled because now there is another male in the house. All of the other animals we have (dogs, cats, and rabbits) are all girls. He is almost beaming with pride! ;)
My good friend, Ellen, came over this afternoon and clipped our French Angora.

Poor Willow doesn't know what to think of this!! And now we have a naked bunny!!! She does NOT look happy.